Let's take care of the environment

Today more than ever there is talk of sustainable development and the need for ALL of us to become aware that the planet needs us. Evidence of climate change is becoming more and more recurrent in the world and in our country: cyclones, warming of the sea, extemporaneous rains, heat and cold waves.

But the problem is not only environmental. Our form of consumption, the accumulation of capital and the inequality of economic resources, is reflected in social problems such as the large migratory movements throughout the world, poverty and inequality, to name a few.

Hence the importance of committing to sustainable development, a concept defined by the UN as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Sustainability is an issue that concerns all of us. For this reason, we must work to find solutions, as well as carry out small daily gestures that contribute to improving the state of the environment.

In this sense, Laura Fernández Dental Clinic is committed to favoring and adopting ecological habits both in our facilities and in people.

Also, we want our patients to know that our clinic is concerned about the environment and especially about waste management, air conditioning and mobility.

At Laura Fernández Dental Clinic, we are increasingly aware of our environmental responsibility

Digitization of information

plastic removal

Energy efficiency

CO2 reduction

Our Clinic does not want to be less and we want to promote green and sustainable dentistry, contributing our grain of sand, acquiring some of the new habits and measures that promote this responsible ECO movement.

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