What is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry is the specialty of dentistry that is responsible for caring for and treating children's oral problems.

A pediatric dentist is the specialist in charge of exploring and treating the mouths of the little ones.

Laura Fernández Dental Clinic, has two pediatric dentists:

Clara Serna 2021

Clara Serna Muñoz

pediatric dentistry

Vocation pediatric dentistry, sweet, calm and safe in the treatment of our smallest patients.

Mar Hernández 2021

Mar Hernandez Lopez

pediatric dentistry

Meticulous and perfectionist in her diagnoses and treatments for our child patients.

The main functions of the pediatric dentist are:

We accompany your child in their oral development

You drink

From 0 to 6 years old, we carry out check-ups and treatments. We treat the most common oral pathologies in babies, such as baby bottle cavities, white tongue, canker sores or mouth-hand-foot syndrome. In addition, we monitor the health and dental hygiene of the baby and advise parents so that they know how to do it at home.


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From 6 to 12 years old, we basically do the same check-ups and treatments, adapting to the age, situation and habits that the child has acquired up to now. The most common childhood oral pathologies at this stage are caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, frenulum surgery, halitosis, dental trauma or bruxism, among others. The prevention of caries is another of our objectives, for which we use techniques such as fluoridation and sealing. At the end of this stage in children, we also begin to treat malocclusions with orthodontics.


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This last stage of pediatric dentistry covers patients from approximately 12 to 14 years of age. In this period, it is about raising awareness among young people so that they follow exhaustive oral hygiene, now by themselves. Most orthodontics are also placed and their respective follow-up is done, among which brackets or Invisalign stand out.

Treatments in Pediatric Dentistry


Caries 2

The treatment of childhood caries will be different if the tooth is milk or permanent. It will also vary if the caries only affects the enamel or has reached the dentin and pulp.

We can find the following cases:

pulpotomies and pulpectomies

Pulpo + Pulpec

Pulpotomy is one of the treatments that is performed when a temporary tooth has the pulp (nerve) inflamed or exposed due to a blow to the tooth or a large cavity.

The pulpectomy is similar to the pulpotomy, but it is performed in cases where the lesion is greater and the complete removal of the pulp (including that of the roots of the tooth) is necessary. It is a treatment similar to endodontics that we do in adults.

Pediatric Metal Crown Dental Restoration. As a final part of the treatment, when a pulpotomy or pulpectomy is performed on a milk tooth, the tooth is hollowed out and weakened, so it is not enough to just fill the hole. It will be necessary to reinforce the walls of the tooth and seal its interior with a small steel sheath or crown that helps to preserve the treated tooth.

dental trauma in children

Today dental injuries are the second most common reason why children go to the dentist, only behind cavities.


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Fluoridation is the procedure by which fluoride is applied to children's teeth to prevent the appearance of cavities. Fluoride increases the resistance of tooth enamel to acids produced by plaque bacteria. It is a preventive treatment that is indicated in patients with a tendency to suffer cavities. Fluoride is an ideal complement to dental cleaning, to help prevent deterioration and wear of teeth, as it has antibacterial agents.

Why is fluoridation recommended in children?

The topical application of fluoride in high concentrations strengthens the enamel of the child's teeth and makes them more resistant to decay and demineralization. According to the WHO, fluoridation reduces the risk of suffering cavities by up to 50%.


It consists of orthodontic treatment that is performed at an early age (4-12 years) when there is still milk or mixed dentition and, in most cases, precedes orthodontics performed with brackets or invisalign, once the replacement has been made. dental.
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